Tuesday, June 18, 2019

OT 640 Debriefing

Here's the link to my debriefing for OT 640! I had a great experience and can't wait to hear everyone's stories when we get back from break. Have a great summer!


  1. Kelsie,

    Thank you for sharing about your experience! I have had the privilege of completing a FW at this same facility and thoroughly enjoyed the experience! I am sorry to hear that you had limited exposure to the hippotherapy sessions. I agree with you that our management course will be very beneficial! During my time at the facility you were at, I learned that basically all of the participants pay privately for their sessions. I noticed that this meant there were very minimal “no shows” and that the parents were very motivated to engage their child in activities that will support their success. Finally, I was also impressed by the impact riding a horse can have on an individual’s functional skills. Thanks again for sharing!

    Hannah P.

  2. Kelsie,

    Thank you for sharing your experience! It sounds like although you did not see as much OT as you expected, you adapted well and used clinical reasoning skills to imagine how OT could be implemented. I think that is a great skill to practice. I am also looking forward to the management course, as there was a lot of conversations regarding productivity and insurance "rules" that I was unfamiliar with. I am eager to learn more on the subject. Have a great summer break. See you in July!


Interview Reflection

Overall, I believe the interview went well. I answered the questions professionally and appropriately. I prepared by reading over some of th...