Friday, September 13, 2019

Interview Reflection

Overall, I believe the interview went well. I answered the questions professionally and appropriately. I prepared by reading over some of the resources provided and talking out the answers I would have to myself. The interview itself a lot faster than I expected. I was asked about 5 questions back to back and every interview I’ve been in before was more of a conversation. One thing I would change would be to prepare for the “tell me about yourself” introduction question. When preparing, I figured I would be able to answer that question on the spot but I struggled a little bit to get everything I was trying to say out during the interview. This is the interviewers first impression of you so I feel it is important to have a solid answer to that question. Through this experience, I learned that it’s important to prepare answered to questions to improve my confidence and have points that I would like to discuss in the back of my mind in order to insert them into the respective question.

Interview Reflection

Overall, I believe the interview went well. I answered the questions professionally and appropriately. I prepared by reading over some of th...